Vinyl Fencing: The New White Picket Fence

For decades the American Dream demanded white picket fences, green lawns, and gentle rays of sunshine behind dripping glasses of icy lemonade. That’s day number one. On day number two, a neighborhood kid runs a bicycle into the fence and scratches it. Day number three, termites move into the exposed wood under the scratch. Day number four finds you out in the scorching Summer sun replacing segments of wooden fence just to wait for the next repair. Dreams become nightmares far too easily. That’s why Genesis recommends Vinyl Fencing for high traffic areas.

Alternative: set up a white picket fence, without ever worrying about maintenance. Scratches, fading, pests, and even water won’t destroy these panels.

This relatively young innovation, first created in the 1960s, preserves the classic American look so many people enjoy without problems of wood fencing. Options range between perimeter fencing, privacy fence, and even sophisticated gate segments. Each fence can be topped with lattice, post caps, and other decorative elements. The most prominent benefits of the synthetic fence panels are the material’s ability to resist fading and scratching. Through-color construction and UV resistance mean the panels retain their original colors even in the event of a deep cut or scratch.

The graphic below shows examples of Genesis’s Vinyl Fence collection. To read more about Vinyl Fencing visit To schedule a Free in-home estimate (Southern CA) call 888.389.5533 or visit our contact page.

vinyl fencing graphic

4 Replies to “Vinyl Fencing: The New White Picket Fence”

  1. I am the kind of guy that loves his privacy. It is also nice to be able to see the world around me. For these reasons, I love the fence picture you posted where the top part of the fence has vertical posts about a foot in length, then a solid white wall.

  2. I never knew that vinyl fences were created during the 60s. It is good that you informed us that there is a difference between perimeter fencing and privacy fences. It would be nice if we had our fences remade with this, but we will need a landscape specialist to guide us on our plans for this.

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