Long weekends like the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday take people outside. I like to think of them as an exodus from office chairs and television screens, to sunshine and BBQ chicken with friends.
However, the view may be startling for some. Un-kept lawns, cracking driveways, and cluttered patios can easily put a damper on high spirits. Rather than spend yet another long weekend watching home remodeling shows, why not take action!?
Consider a change. Winter is an excellent time for remodeling. Social events gravitate towards warmer months of the year, and Southern California winters are dry. These factors make for great opportunities to make big changes during these “slow” months.
With start to finish times as fast as two days, Genesis could transform your home into an enviable paradise faster than your Amazon book arrives. Let Genesis turn a cluttered patio into a resort style escape! How about transforming that embarrassing driveway into an elegant approach!?
New research in permeable paving stones and heat island effects show that interlocking paving can even benefit Mother Earth. Excess run-off from landscape irrigation or seasonal rain storms can cause erosion and water contamination. Permeable paving counteracts this by filtering excess water through sand and gravel sub-grade, which removes contaminants and limits run-off volume. Choosing light colored stone helps to battle the heat island effect on a micro scale. By choosing interlocking paving over asphalt, the property stays cooler. This is because dark-colored materials absorb more solar energy, getting hot, and stay hot long into the evening. Light colored interlocking paving reflects that solar energy and keeps the property cooler.
Genesis Stoneworks specializes in outdoor remodels for driveways, patios, and even landscaping. With 10,000 satisfied clients and counting, you’ll be working with someone who knows how to create the most beautiful version of your home.
To schedule a free estimate, call Genesis toll free at 888.389.5533, or visit our free estimate page. Don’t settle for another weekend inside, make the exodus into a more beautiful life today.